If u had the chance to give Justin beiber a wedgie would u do it?

Never he is too hot
258 votes

Yes he deserves it
784 votes

For the fun of it
255 votes

105 votes


Haters gonna hateFor the fun of it

JennaI would rather use a bazooka on him.

Lulu styles πŸ’—i hate him but I dont want anyone to get heart or some body be sad or mad from me !!!

Caww IronuBeiber deserves every bad thing thats thrown at him. He is generally a horrible person.

Chloe@Lulu styles πŸ’— too late :(

Zayn MalikLaughing at the comments

HannahI would show no mercy

Allison_blazenhe spits on his fans, leaves millions of girls waiting at a concert, acts like a dick, I think he deserves complete torture and then die slowly.

Lexie TaplinJustin is a turd bag:/

caoimhe123@Allison_blazen bit harsh! He's so greatful to his fans! <3

caoimhe123biebler forever!!

Allison_blazen@caoimhe123 no he isn't, he is a complete dick to his fans, he acts like a dick, he looks like a dick and he is a dick. Wake up into reality

KimayJustin Bieber is AMAZING so everyone else go sit in a corner and stfu(: BELIEBER FOR LIFEβ€πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ

Kitty kat omg... THAT WILL THE BE THE DAY!!! I hate him!!! I wanna slap him across the face! HEEEEE-YA!!!kung fu style... Lol

lilyYou guys are harsh

Samuel Mondragonfuckyeah!

😝YOLO😝@MoonlightTheRabbit same Lol 😝

Haters gonna hateYes😳😁 for fun

JasmineπŸ˜œπŸ˜πŸ˜›No......I like Justin Bieber😍😍😍