Best vacation....

Five star hotel in Las Vegas with significant other
85 votes

Camping in Yosemite with friends
43 votes

Ten-day cruise anywhere!
79 votes

All-inclusive resort in Jamaica with spouse/gf/bf
79 votes


User 29646Camping in Yosemite with friends! I did that this summer, it was epic.

TaylorSwiftFanI was there this summer too!!

TaylorSwiftFanI was there this summer too!!


SophieDisney With your family

Amy ⚓@Sophie agreed!

Jasminei like how u paid respect to my country the best place to visit for vacation

Drak attack all of these, but that was my other choice ;)

Victorybelieve it or not, I'm terrified of the ocean. I started surfing to get over that fear but I'm still so scared of deep water! spiders and the ocean, my 2 biggest fears.

Drak attack wow!! well my biggest fears are sharks and snakes lol and deep water, I can swim ok but I don't like feeling helpless lol

ABSOLUTELY NOExcellent choices!

