Each time you play a game on your smartphone, how long do you play?

Between 15 min and 30 min
1923 votes

Less than 15 min
2178 votes

More than 45 min
854 votes

Between 30 min and 45 min
596 votes


DerpyTheDerpI usually play games 1-14 min on my iPad

Karlalol I don't kno how long I take but I kno that when I start playing I get addicted and then an hour feels like 5mins lol

coucYeah so addictive

HannahIt's crazy how one game can seem like a movie when you play it long enough and then the next day your like oh wow that game is old lol

Leighayeah.... I play one game for one day and the next day its a new game

KirStinDepends on the game.

Domdude some times it can be hours when I'm on the toilet

lucyDepends on the game and @dom lol

Shinedown01long time


Catch_me_if_u_canHours and hours

Victory10 min maybe