Pale skin

Dunno not update with the fashion
60 votes

In fashion and soooooooo hot
162 votes

Tanned is way better
280 votes

76 votes


darraghi have pale skin

💩same ime like a vampire ha ha

Shadoweveryone skin is perfect just the way it is and you don't need to change hat because of fashion and trends

Niamphy xxxpeople say I look like a vamp (I sort of do lol) but I like my skin the way it is and I wouldn't change it xxx

Niamphy xxx@Shadow true that :)

Shadow@Niamphy xxx looking like a vampire is awesome LOL

Madison T ❤Suicidal I have really tan skin

katyim not that pale am i D:


ShyCoolKidracist!!!Jkjk, but everyone's skin is perfect: Tanned, Olive, light skinned, dark skinned, pale, etc..

Abby💜✨💍I'm pale