I have a low self esteem and my friend made me put this up. What's your opinion? :)

Is that a potato???
145 votes

Ugly and descusting. :(
112 votes

Pretty :)
520 votes

Beautiful *0*
293 votes


traceSup :)

mackieplease dont say ur not beautiful everybody is beautiful and you have a good friend who cares very much about you!!

Lauren Valdes@mackie agree

Rorugliest thing I've ever seen

Chloe :) coincidence, I think not! I want a panda :'(@Ror ....seriously.....really pretty...nice hair.

miniminxUr really pretty there is no need to have low self esteem

miniminx@Ror your just jealous of her

gig12378your pretty

Purpple PanckaesDont feel bad your beautiful

Purpple Panckaes@Ror your a real jerk

L.O.V.E@Ror shut up and your stunning

L.O.V.E@Ror your no better

Rorhaha she's just looking for attention ! how do u know do u Stovall me or something ?

myabooUr Pretty Honey.!! Always Have High Self Esteem But Not To High.!!❤❤👌👭✌

Rorstalk haha

PerrieEdwardsyour pretty btw love your hair ☺

PerrieEdwards@Ror shut up and if she's so ugly ( she's not ) put up a picture of you and we'll all judge your face

Xxx_Hero_xxXWell gel ur stunning

Xxx_Hero_xxXlol is that a potato ur beautiful not a pot

Grace@Ror, she is beautiful so shut up and stop acting like you're not jealous. That attitude won't get you anywhere.

rockythanks so much guys.. :) . . . And sorry @Ror if I offended you... :(