Is it weird that a boy four years younger than me invited me to his birthday and I was the only older one there?

I wouldn't mind
14 votes

150 votes

OMG he likes you
99 votes

Nar it sounds cute
42 votes


Martin Reyesare you a girl?


😃Sudsy2😃this is my old account and it suddenly went one day how do I get it back? I'm sudsy! Or was😭😭

Jess@I lost my account!!😭 oh my gosh same happened with me! I can't get my account back! Have you got yours? If so how do I get mine back? Cxx

😃Sudsy2😃@Jess getting it back look on the what year were u born the question by hey crowd and you'll c my comment xoxo

Rose099 He likes you