Who is better (I love all three!) look them up on Internet if u don't know what they look like.

Alex Pettyfer
41 votes

Robert Pattinson
116 votes

Harry Styles
159 votes


😘 Juicy Lucie 😘i like the first 2

AREENI prefer zayn but I choose harry :)

Chloe :) coincidence, I think not! I want a panda :'(Robert pattinson....... *_*

Katie:))HARRY STYLES!!! Xx :)

c4lgI hate them all

Sexy beasti can't be f*****

Madison T ❤Suicidal Harry Edward Styles!!!

Directioner-5SoSfam❤️❤️hazza ofc

Xxx_Hero_xxXabsolutely live Robert and Alex
