Do you know of Roland the headless tompson gunner ?

5756 votes

Yes he set out for Biafra
330 votes


Ellie❤️GymnasticsDoes anybody know who that guy is?


mollie xxdoes anyone know of rolanda from the call me maybe parody?!

Highqualitydirt@ellie its from a ballad, look it up on youtube

monieeluvsyahxoxo Oops wrong one but I choose who?

Call_me_isabelleWtf Is that?

monieeluvsyahxoxo@@IZZY ikr

Screamin' Lord ByronLawyers, Guns and Money!

💦💕who the hell is that

Screamin' Lord Byron He's friends with a wearwolf from London.

Katherine@ mollie xx yeah I do lol watched the video like 5 times they make other parodys 2

Eleanor@Screamin' Lord Byronno Who


Eleanor@Screamin' Lord Byronno Who


ray ray@mollie xx I doo

1D!!!!!@Katherine same !! Lol

Maddyidk who that is