What's your fav gamer on YouTube

5 votes

43 votes

7 votes

Angry video game nerd
15 votes



Footy minion!!!JzVIDS

Ssbb Markiplier does slender right

AmauriVanoss And Syndicate

ShyCoolKidtheradbrad. You guys should really look him up, he's really cool and funny :)

🎸JadeJenna Marbles, Superwoman, Joey Graceffa, Shane Dawson

ShyCoolKid@-Just-Call-Me-Jade- i like all of them except shane dawson, and I'm not trying to be rude when saying this, but the question asks who is your favorite gamer, not who is you favorite youtuber in general. None of the people you listed are gamers( except joey). Again im not trying to be rude or anything
