Who's Prettier??

33 votes

174 votes

293 votes

525 votes


heyimmollywbuOhmygod Eleanor ツ

mayEleanor Calder definitely


😈LucyPipeFTW😈@may 4th one

Call_me_isabelle@Pilly yeah same

Finlay_xxI 💟 Avril Lavine!

Sarahavril totally

Natashaavril defo big crush on her x

#1onedirectionlover xx❤well I think ugly

joebottom left is horrible

Nicki Louis Tomlinson's girlfriend is the pretties!

Kay KayAriana

joebottom left is horrible

Nicki Louis Tomlinson's girlfriend is the pretties!

Kay KayAriana

Mollyash@Kay Kay same

1DUJloverEleanor Calder is amazing and she should not get hate!!! U don't know who she is I u hate on her(unless u actually do in real):P

User 019263749Ariana Grande.

Shaunnaariana I'm her BIGGEST fan

J1234Avril rest are ugly

Ciara Bradberry1st and4th pic

Aya TaherEleanor <33

1Dlover123Eleanor Louis' girlfriend

AnimaloverAriana grande

BellaAVRIL!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

💩All are pretty 😀


Directioner_foreverELEANOR!!!!!!! Louis gf!!!

Selenastar7148Ariana grande

FayeperryEleanor definitely

ClaireAriana and Eleanor

ShyCoolKidAriana Grande!!! How the hell did Avril get a higher vote

Claire@ShyCoolKid IKR!!

;UM DAFUQ, Ariana is muchhhhhhh prettier!

#HCQ sweetcattiem👑why would you put a picture of yourself next to celebrities

Directioner2010@Directioner_forever same but I love ariana so I clicked both at same time lol xx

RoseElizabeth🌸Eleanor calder❤️

$Mia$Heycrowd has changed

muke.are.rejects@<3 MIA <3 Well nooorrrr