
109 votes

172 votes

186 votes

65 votes


🎵❤Erin❤🎵She's pretty idk why people said not...

rubytuesday123@smudgy12 thank you for that! They probably think I'm another 12 year old and these questions just irritate them... Truth be told I was just curious you know. But seriously thank you for that comment😊

Lauren ValdesI'm not rateing you cause you are pretty

rubytuesday123@Lauren Valdes haha thanks for the input! And I appreciate your comment:) I bet you are pretty too:)!

Lauren Valdes@rubytuesday123 thanks

Yanithis rating is wrong! You are way higher than 1-3...

SpikeymoJONO.i agree! Are people blind. You are clearly very easy on the eye! ;) but hey this app is mostly ran by 12 yr olds. Lol! Take no notice hey, what do kids know!?

rubytuesday123@Jono Yelding ahaha that's one way to make me laugh! And yeah I get it but thank you for your comment:) aha made my day! Thanks again

rubytuesday123@Yani and thank you for that boost of confidence ahaha :)

SpikeymoJONO.hey no probs :) do I look alright? Hehe! I have been called big nose a few times with this pic. Lol

SpikeymoJONO.kids can be harsh lol

rubytuesday123@Jono Yelding ahah you look fine! Better than fine;) and yeah kids can be harsh... Still surprises me how they can be you know!?

SpikeymoJONO.aww thank you back atchya :)) That's sweet, made my evening ;)