What do you think of Medical Marijuana??

Love it
232 votes

It's stupid
695 votes

Not sure
901 votes

It should be national
410 votes


haleyluvsmacWhat is mm

Michael MoonMedical sure, but not widespread use

Screamin' Lord ByronI think it will be abused by people who dont really need it.

EmilyNo negative effects, not as bad as alcohol or tobacco, don't see why it's illegal at all

Razor475Non-addictive, and instead of a depressant (alcohol) it's a stimulant. I think the gov is afraid of too much peace and harmony that would come from it being completely legal. (Is in my state)

bleep@CBuiscuit. I totally agree with you!! Bud would definitely make the world a more happy, mellow, peaceful world.

bleepWeeds never gotten nobody killed from over dosing or nothin

SocialRejectionI like it. Medical marijuana can be necessary, and frankly, it shouldn't really be illegal at all.

Hannah@Michael Moon Agreed. ;)