What song do these lyrics belong to? Do you remember summer '09?

What makes you beautiful
8 votes

Tell me a lie
13 votes

Kiss you
33 votes

Rock me
86 votes


ladyyour an idiot Sarah.you are a smelly butt who licks farts.your an idiot.kiss my smell butt dumbo

ladyit's real watch gravity falls.disney is the illuminati dumb head smelly butthead kiss my dogs butt stupid

Sara@lady What the hell is the matter with you shut the FRICK up and go to HELL

Kaymatt2Rock me

lady@Sara go to hell.you grow up their fuckin faggots.you won't marry them or anything your a five year old bitch skank slut whore

lady@Sara you started this shit

Duchessjohanna @lady fuck off you immature slut bag

KendallRock me

heartrock me