Do you like sexfriend ?!

I hate that
341 votes

I love that !!!!!
577 votes


Max powersnever heard of it

Maccaaaa@Max powers same

Robwhat r it?

carleyxoxoDo u mean a friend with benefits

carleyxoxo@Sam friends that have sex no emotions just sex

Sugar Honey Ice Tea@Sam yeah it is. Haha lol


carleyxoxo@Sam it's 10 am my time

carleyxoxo@Sam nj

carleyxoxo@Sam uh no

Max powersi think you mean Do you have a friend with benefits. Cause do you like sex friend sounds retarded no offence

Maccaaaa@Max powers yea Haag


Max powers@Mrs Random😜😍😘 lol

Maccaaaa@Max powers😃

Prettysha❤️🐓[blocked user]@Sam we can be

choicewat is that??

ANONYMOUSA friend that u fuck

Prettysha❤️🐓[blocked user]like me and cholo

ANONYMOUSYea that's a perfect example

Prettysha❤️🐓[blocked user]yeah. And we don't have strings attached

ANONYMOUSYea we fuck wen we want 2 anytime anywhere

VioletAnd why do u need to know that

Lexi😍what is that?

Natasia VenturaI've never heard of it.