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Ohsnapitzashlea@Lana Balata well your a fucking bitch

ѕωιм;)@🎀Lana balata the prettiest one🎀 yixes…

Fashion97@🎀lana<3havind🎀💛💙💜💚❤ that was mean


Fashion97@🎀lana<3havind🎀💛💙💜💚❤ you need to go die in a hole you!!!!

Fashionista#1 👗👠👢💅👛👙@🎀lana<3havind🎀💛💙💜💚❤ you have a serious attitude problem. And what's up with your language? Aren't you only like, 12? 😒

✌️💋❤️Ariana Grande❤️💋✌️@Fashion97 me tttooooo

Shinedown01@Miss_beautiful💕 well I'm not going to call you ugly cause that's what lil kids do but you lil asshole motherfucking bitch what you say to other people can hurt so why don't you just go back in the closet with the rest of the bitches asshole everybody is beautiful and deserves there chance to shine but if you just beat them up inside there not going to want to live anymore and one bang. Blood rush tho the head it's done and there done so why don't you watch what you say cause you might be that bully that drives them to death so thank you to all those bully's out there that are breaking are youth of today and bassicly killing them

🎀Cutie🎀@Miss_beautiful💕 don't go to far and that was very mean

🎀Cutie🎀oh and purple

🚮@Miss_beautiful💕 I'm pretty sure your the rudest person in the whole world why are you so mean to people

_mrzswag_@Miss_beautiful💕 u are so mean u should be a shame of urself how bout u go and lick ur own butt u aren't even pretty hell ur not even a girl so u need to get ur facts straight faggot

_mrzswag_oh and miss_beautiful u r a bitch she probably did cry because u r such a bitch

Shinedown01@Miss_beautiful💕 hey asshole just shut up and think about what your saying. I get it your mad but telling someone they need to die your saying that to a random person on this app because your the one being the bully you need to understand what your saying hurts people and can drive them to suicide.

🚮@Miss_beautiful💕 do have to be so rude

🚮@Miss_beautiful💕 WHY

Shinedown01@Miss_beautiful💕 okay no your the one telling people to go die in a box there honey I think your the one who needs to shut up

Shinedown01@Miss_beautiful💕 whatever no your hurting people don't whatever it think about things before you do them

_mrzswag_@Miss_beautiful💕 u such a damn bitch tell me friends do u have cuz it's probably only 3-4 MOTHER FUCKER!!!

Shinedown01@Miss_beautiful💕 how?

🚮@Miss_beautiful💕 well if you don't know then stop

_mrzswag_@Miss_beautiful💕 how she hurt u first

🚮@Miss_beautiful💕 well your rude

🚮@Miss_beautiful💕 do you care that you hurt other people

🚮@Miss_beautiful💕 no your just plain mean

Shinedown01@Miss_beautiful💕people are mean in life. But you need to be the bigger person and don't say anything mean back

🚮@Miss_beautiful💕 don't be mean anymore 😊


Ohsnapitzashlea@Havind_love_lana_💕 you bitch I scant beleive what you just said to that person you can't just tell her to go and kill herself because that is called cyber bullying and she might even kill her self which you will get a lot of trouble for you are so mean and cruel I can't beleive you would write such a thing you don't know her and she is an innocent person that did nothing wrong you are so harsh and j hope you rot and did in a hell because no one wants to see ure mean bahavier on heycrowed and stop acting like a bloody bitch because that I bullying and bullying us terrible and it makes you feel so sad like no one in the world cares about u so shut the fun up and leave her alone

Ohsnapitzashlea@Rachael 🐨 and by the way 2 wrongs don't make a right u bully

Ohsnapitzashlea@Havind_love_lana_💕 sorry supposed to send to her

🚮@Heart beats ❤ Red Cheeks 😊 what did I do

Ohsnapitzashlea@Rachael 🐨 sorry I was supposed to send it to the other girl

🚮@Heart beats ❤ Red Cheeks 😊 oh☺

Shinedown01what did I do

Shinedown01@Havind_love_lana_💕 just don't pay attention to her she's acting like a bitch