Do you have Nike blazers ?( They're mine>>>>>>>)

160 votes

No but I want/need them
320 votes

Yes , I love them
340 votes

Never seen them before / don't want them!
392 votes


LoraineI have the same nike blazers

muke.are.rejectsYep mine r grey with a luminous orange tick

aaliyah💜Mine are black with blue lAces and a bright orange and purple tik

RoseElizabeth🌸Sky blue ones💙 fresh💎

kaylanever heard of em

lily1231I have purple ones

carolineI have turquoise ones 😎

ShaunnaMine are black with red ticks

Zaramy life ❤️❤️❤️❤️

LolWhatAFailthey are fugly

josiedon't really like them