Is my baby cow cute his name is ruffles he was born on Mother's Day (comment please)

81 votes

So ugly
3 votes

12 votes

14 votes


Maggie L.he is so cute I think

πŸŽ€πŸŽ€KristinaπŸŽ€πŸŽ€that's my background

πŸŽ€πŸŽ€KristinaπŸŽ€πŸŽ€Never mind I was suppose to write that on something else

Maggie L.@KristinaπŸŽ€πŸŽ€ lol

Abby lauridsenMaggie l is my sister. Ruffles is my calf to

...Is it a milk or beef cow do u call him mr ruffles cause he likes chips

Abbz_25πŸ˜‚@Stupid prostitute took my money really?



...hey if ur worried bout the lil kids on here they shouldnt be on here with all the pervs like me

πŸ‘€BayπŸ‘€Does he have the best mother cow in the whole world? AND HE'S SOOOO CUUTTTEEE, RUFFLES YOU GOT THE LOOKS,GIRLS COW R GOING TO BE CRAZY

Abbz_25πŸ˜‚@Stupid prostitute took my money Your right about he Perve right


πŸ‘€BayπŸ‘€@Stupid prostitute took my money how old r u? And now I'm the one who's asking you questions, I'm 12 in 7th grade 13

...i dont mind answering

...kinda interesting talkin to someone round world


...@Love Bitches Ok then


πŸ‘€BayπŸ‘€@... Ok I always meet someone who is 13 years old

...@πŸ‘€BayπŸ‘€. What

...@πŸ‘€BayπŸ‘€. Oh