I like a boy at school and he likes me and my friend asked him out for me and he said no so should I ask him out again?

59 votes

14 votes

No way
20 votes

81 votes


shitfuckdelongedont get other people to ask your crush out for you, that is never a smart move

Abby Ok but should I ask him out again:)

Madeline No i reckon it's weird to ask people out like that... Just talk to him and your friendship will grow and you'll kiss and it'll be all cute :')

CordeliaIs that profile pic really you?

Abby yes that us me

Abby Yes that is me

JessI agree with shitfuckdelonge

Abby cool

AutumDo it yourself trust me i have had that problem many times and that is 1 good friend :)

Megan🐎he probably said no cus ur friend asked and he might have thought they were joking that's happened to me before