I'm the one on he left should I dye my hair red ( dark red) ?

It would look alright I suppose
36 votes

Yeah it would look sick ☺
143 votes

Maybe but only semi-permanant
119 votes

Nah It will look rubbish
161 votes


CHLO3Edip dye it that colour first then when the colour fades if you like it then due the whole thing

India;) thanks CHLO3E I might give it a try

LittleMissMerrygold💙💙Who's the person standing next to u

India;) Why do you want to know ?

digitbut you don't have to

LittleMissMerrygold💙💙Who's the person standing next to u

India;) Why do you want to know ?

digitbut you don't have to

courtney@LittleMissAttitude I want to know 2 she looks familiar

Matt chadwickU look amazing u shouldn't change

Jazzie Btw you are gorgeous sweetie.

RyanISbeast@India;) do I know you I swear I've seen u in welwyn garden city before

1DUJlovermaybe dip dye it:)

J1234Ew both ugly as fuck

Caitlin Milne@J1234 you need to stop being so negative to everyone, you have already been negative and horrible on one of my questions, how would you like it if you posted a selfie and everyone said "ewwww he's well ugly!!"

LucyxxGo on to my profile I have lots of great and interesting questions so start voting because me and my mate are having a challenge of who can get the most votes so plz help out xxxx

#HCQ sweetcattiem👑@Caitlin Milne I don't think he would give a fuck tbf. He's a ruthless bastard XD he's funny as fuckk

muke.are.rejectsI don't think you would suit it x

Faye😢You are too young to die your hair


#HCQ sweetcattiem👑@Amelia Stanford ??

Faye😢@sweetcattiem I know it is not nice to say eww to someone