Which would you rather?

Jalapeño peppers (plain)
103 votes

Need a cup o water looking at these choices
324 votes

Raw onion
123 votes

Plain lemon
323 votes



ErikaI eat raw lemons all the time!! XD

AwesomeMe!!!i eat plain lemons already! Not for a dare, I just like them

ErikaI eat raw lemons all the time!! XD

AwesomeMe!!!i eat plain lemons already! Not for a dare, I just like them

Veronica😘I'm sick so I have to drink water but I've had raw lemons a couple times 🍋

💚👗✌Jade✌👗💚i love onions

🎧Emily🎨@Erika me 2 there delish

Mathematically💯Challenged1. RATHER WHAT? 2. "O WATER" WHAT THE CRAP IS THAT?!

Ohsnapitzashlea@UR MOM it says need a cup o water reading this

Ohsnapitzashlealooking at this*

Jewelz💎💙💎 @Mathematically💯Challenged which would u rather eat?? And o water meaning of water omg duhh

Belieber and directioner raw lemon I do it all the time And some times I put the lemon in my water it's good and the raw lemon is good