People say he likes me and I like him but I don't know if he actually likes me what to do😭

Don't say anything
20 votes

Wait for him to make the move
32 votes

Get over him
9 votes

Talk to him
119 votes


conniethat happens to me!!

AdorkablesHDfuck about these questions!!

GraceMake sure he is aware of the rumors. If he is weirded out, tell him the rumors are stupid. If he knows about them and says/acts like he likes you, tell him that it's true that you like him.

Dia_Meask his best friend !! He would definitely know something :)

🐶🌸🌺Musical Girl🐶🌸🌺Thanks for ur advice, were dating now

GraceSo glad I could help!

GraceA similar type of thing happened with my ex