Fav full house character

Jesse/Joey/Danny (comment which one)
28 votes

Becky/twins (comment which one)
11 votes

Michele/dj/Stephanie (comment which one)
35 votes

Kimmy/Steve (comment which one)
4 votes


Idalis RadkeMitchell!!!!

Max powersJoey

Naya@Idalis Radke you mean Michelle?


StarMichelle so cute


💟HannahLoves1D💟Or Joey! His cartoon voices sound SOOO real!! He's hilarious!!

💟HannahLoves1D💟But Michele is adorable!! And hilarious!! "You got it dude" and "have mercy"😂😂😂

✨💋JenJen💋✨Michelle is so cute "you got it,DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!Also steph

Ethanbecky was so flame

Not Your Average CalvinStephanie