Why are some people homophobic ??

Cuz being gay is disgusting 👎
18 votes

What is homophobic😕
32 votes

Idk. I support holibi people👬👭
96 votes

I hate homophobes
67 votes


KatyWhat is homophobic

Sasha It means that you hate gay people

Katyyes im a homophobic

Sasha May I ask you why? Just wanna know :)

Katy@Sasha if it means homophobic means gay then I'm not gay :L I hate gays

JadeOnly People that don't understand it and have small minds are homophobic, I'm not gay myself but most of my freinds are and my cousin is bi, and I think there better for it

MatthewAnyone homophobic needs to start living in this century

Bailey MorganI know why!!!!!!! It's the difficulty of rainbow road on Mario cart!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Faye😢@Katy why do you hate gay people they can't help being born gay you are just a stupid brat who needs to stop being so tight if you were gay you wouldn't like people saying I hate you because you are in love with the same sex. It is not about who you fancy it is about who you fall in love with even if it is a boy and a boy or a girl and a girl it dosnt matter and why should it affect you who other people fall in love with and also you are a little fucker of a bitch and the biggest slag ever. When will people realise that being gay is fine!!! People have learned to accept black people so why can't people learn to accept gay people. Gay people are like any other person because everyone is different in there own way and if you really are homophobic why didn't you know what the fucking thing meant!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ImabitchMy uncle is gay so I am not homophobic. Never have never will


#HCQ sweetcattiem👑She's a little kid with a fake photo that's why she didn't know what homophobic meant

ImabitchI know what it means so fuck off

#HCQ sweetcattiem👑I wasn't talking about you....

ImabitchI am on here because gays are cool

Imabitchplus it is just one post that I know of@HCQ sweetcattiem

#HCQ sweetcattiem👑I was talking to Katy!!!!!

🎩Banter🎩i think she was having a go at @katy for being so small minded if i'm correct so calm urself

Imabitch@#HCQ sweetcattiem👑 sorry I thought you were talking to me

Highqualitydirtpeople are homophobic because they were told to be so by the church

Faye😢@Highqualitydirt I am not being mean but the church sucks then because people are allowed to be who they want to be if they are gay it is no big deal they are just like everyone else