Do you consider your privacy to be protected on the web ?

a little
1828 votes

not at all
1615 votes

1203 votes


Ameerano matter what you do,your identity and personal information will never be private for anyone to see on the Internet.information and pictures are saved into the governments database for safety and future references.thats why people have to be very careful with what they put of Facebook, twitter, Instagram, and other social networks.even when you delete it,it will always be there in the database/system.

marvin@Elena couldn't have put it better shorter yes better no

Ameera@marvin true

shitfitWho thinks having privacy on the web is stupid

marvin@shitfit well no privicy means of your talking to someone and a name pops up the person who your talking about would know what you think of them

Hi_its me Maddie@Elena

AnimeLover😍😍😍😍😍😍all ways i don't want no nobody hack in my computer and see my personal so i put it in a folder on my computer and put a pass word on it so when they have to find the passwordπŸ˜‰

ZoΓ«@shitfit lacking privacy on the web is dangerous...especially kids that are starting to apply for social media sites and whatnot.

πŸ‘‰πŸ‘Œ πŸ‘‡, πŸ‘Œ? βœŒοΈπŸ‘‹@Elena Ur explanation wuz short enuff for me. I and i know all this stuf cuz my dad JUST lectured me about it yesterday.

0_0Nobody xDThe government can hear your phone calls and read your text with just a switch of a button and everything from MySpace to Facebook and Instagram they can see read ad much more. I agree


User 436700Anyone can use a VPN for a little more privacy

User 436700The risk lies between real life and internet... The main issue is "where from" you access and edit your information. If you are doing these things at home on your password protected network, and make sure to access HTTPS websites in priority you don't risk much. But simply got to Starbucks/McDonalds for their free Wifi hotspot and you are at the mercy of any hacker... If you happen to be online banking on that Hotspot, you might as well shout out your PIN code... Regarding the information posted on Social Networks, it only becomes useful once thieves have your credit card number. In a matter of days they can gather enough information to BE you. All I'm saying is that you should not get paranoid, but be careful of the Where/What combination of your daily operations on Internet. I use BlueVPN to do the "private" things. Cheers, Adrien