Funniest movie

230 votes

The Campaign
44 votes

141 votes

Grown ups
205 votes


Max powersare you kidding me grown ups and bridesmade beat hangover? Bridesmaids was kind of funny but grown ups was such a crap movie. It had great actors but it wasn't even funny. Hangover was one of the funniest movies I've seen in my life.

ariwell since I've only seen grown ups...

Natasia VenturaBridesmaids and Grown Ups. I haven't seen the other two movies.

Courtney Riversbridesmaids and the heat

Sakanaruhangover all demz

Lexi<3the heat is hilarious

Ethangrown ups and hangover are a tossup

Alexis Smiththe heat and Pictish perfect

BasicWhiteGirlride along


BrettneyRide along that dude is so funny

JackRyanThe campaign isn't even funny. It was soooo disappointing