What do YOU belive happens after we DIE❓

Paradise ! (After armogetton) 😌
8 votes

Nothing . πŸ˜• (lay in a grave forever)
17 votes

Reincarnation (be born again as an animal,plant,etc) 🌺🐍
14 votes

Heaven !πŸ˜‡ (Become an angel!)
60 votes


AbbyπŸ’œβœ¨πŸ’it's the 1st one

πŸŽ€NiallerπŸŽ€if ur good u go πŸ‘†with πŸ™ But if ur bad u go πŸ‘‡πŸ”₯

🎸JadeNo idea :)

Amelia!?!i believe in heaven πŸ™

YouAreLOVED<3@πŸŽ€ NIALLER πŸŽ€ Oh I go to the hell :/