My best friend is having a birthday on the same day I have to go a wedding.What should I do?

Go to my best friends birthday
350 votes

Go to the wedding and forget about my best friend.
264 votes


TomDepends whose wedding really.

User 23345147988791It's my aunties friend Tom

Tom@User 23345147988791 best friends birthday then.

User 23345147988791@Tom But my seat is already book

LalaYou'll be left out if you don't go to your best friends party

Merce'Give a present and wish your B.F. a happy Bday and apologize for not being there

YouKaydepends whose wedding it is

joyful122your bf will have a birthday every year, hopefully the couple will only marry once

creator of randomnesshard choice u go 2 the wedding and do what merce' said.

Aves1013Depends who's wedding it is and where you will be for the birthday

janaedepended on who for the wedding and where for the partayy!!

The Terry Dude'sGo to the wedding if its proper family.

Emma Roseeeeeđź’–depends on whose wedding. If its someone ur close to them definitely go to the wedding

Katherine @Merce'. Agreed

Star Rosewell it depends who's the wedding for is it for a close relative or just someone u don't really know or talk to, if it is than i say go to the best friends

Katherine @Merce'. Agreed

Star Rosewell it depends who's the wedding for is it for a close relative or just someone u don't really know or talk to, if it is than i say go to the best friends

skymarie<3Whose wedding? Go to both

parisinblackandwhitea wedding only comes around once (hopefully) a birthday happens every year. I think you can afford to miss one birthday

deanyou should tell her the situation and if shes a good friend shell understand or youll make it up 2 her by having a sleepover or somthing

EmersonThey're only getting married together once. Your friend can have many birthdays. Just get her a small gift and give it to her the next day. Go to the wedding because its family. Trust me

AbbyGo to the wedding because ur best friend will always have more birthdays

Abigail Harveyif its not blood getting married then go to the birthday party.

Squigglydoo@Merce' agrees

xxottiliaxx A wedding is only once and a Birthday is every year. Give her a present and ask her if you guys could do something fun for an after Birthday party :)