What do u think is so cool about New York?( people just to let u know I was born in New York)

32 votes

8 votes

55 votes

Tall amazing sparkle buildings ( especially the Empire State Building at night)
95 votes


S P O D E R M A N🍪lol i live in NYC, it really aint shit lmfao. Only tourists are impressed by the lights&shit. Its actually pretty boring on 42nd street when you go there all the time. Lol

belieber_girl4everjustinyea tourists cuz they actually never been there so yeah ur right

S P O D E R M A N🍪lol yeah. Ive lived here all my life :3 , lol you know whats the best thing about the Manhatten?

S P O D E R M A N🍪the crazy ass homeless people and crack heads lol

belieber_girl4everjustinyea very much hahahahaha lol so what grade are you in

belieber_girl4everjustin@🐘Silly elephantfubny

S P O D E R M A N🍪Going on my sophmore year of highschool this september! :)

S P O D E R M A N🍪I go to highschool in the uppereast side, i hate the area tho, a whole bunch of snobs there!

Erin💕Look at my new question!!!

belieber_girl4everjustin@🐘Silly elephant cool I go to William McKinley in fort Hamilton


kaylabuildings and clothes