I really like this boy in my class and I think he liked me too, but I was too shy to ask him 'out', he is now 'going out' with one of my good friends :/ she knows I like him...

Wait for them to break up then ask
68 votes

explain to him right now how I feel
94 votes

forget him and find someone else
68 votes

Tell your friend how you feel about him
243 votes


Angel xxLol same situation

JessIf she knew then she isn't a good friend and if necessary shout and scream until you think your points been made (been there, screamed that)

Justdoingmehaha thanks

LalaShe already knows so she's a rubbish friend for doing that to you

Joif you have told her how u feel and she goes out with the guy she knows you like I wouldn't be her friend

Joi would also confront her ( and do what Jess said)

Justdoingmethanks guys xx

Angel xxscrew your friend she knew but she went out with him I say you should get her alone and slap her across the face (I did that and it was really funny !!)

JustdoingmeHaha!! yeah I still like him (we are good friends now), but I have just moved on, and there is someone else

Justdoingmewho actually likes me too :) i hope, thanks for all your help guys

Matt chadwickDon't talk to your friend bout it it will be awkward talk to him tell him how it feels

#HCQ sweetcattiem👑Slap them both

rachalex123yeah @sweetcattiem

Little miss lashes Go check out my profile and answer questions

#HCQ sweetcattiem👑@Lucy Campin why do you keep commenting that on loads of questions? U only have 1 question anyway

MarissaIf she knew then your friend isn't a very good friend