Is she pretty

I guess
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164 votes


DerpyTheDerpis that..

IHATECHEESE😝why do u have angel wings?

Abby FregozoAmanda Todd?

Ore Gazitis thag amanda? I feel so sorry for her, she didnt deserve the pain

Cherry Rougecan't really see her face proply

kimmyomg rip Amanda Todd x! 😔🙏

kimmywhy would you have your display pic of a dead girl? :/ bit weird tbh..😕

irishboyOk umm now i feel awkward clicked yes before realizing it was Amanda todd

Cherry RougeI'm sorry to say this but she did kinda put herself in that position no one physically made her do anything people are took and killed and raped all the time but no one cares no one knows who they are yet when one very pretty girl does multiple things by her own choice everyone cares but why doesn't anyone care about the children that DON'T do ANYTHING to put themselves in a bad position

irishboyOk umm now i feel awkward clicked yes before realizing it was Amanda todd

Cherry RougeI'm sorry to say this but she did kinda put herself in that position no one physically made her do anything people are took and killed and raped all the time but no one cares no one knows who they are yet when one very pretty girl does multiple things by her own choice everyone cares but why doesn't anyone care about the children that DON'T do ANYTHING to put themselves in a bad position

NiahRIP Amanda Todd @Cherry Rouge totally agree

Niah@Cherry Rouge Your very right

irishboyi agree with cherry rouge

ameliaRIP Amanda Todd such a sad story :(

Shelbyshe did it to herself. Yeah it's sad, but those people had a reason to call her a slut. SHE slept around, SHE sent pictures of her boobs around. There's much more serious things like people killing themselves because others have no reason to be mean.

DylanAngel wings with Devil horns

xxottiliaxx Is that Amanda Todd?


namethats not amanda go on youtube look up amanda todd it is the vid thats black and wight and a girl is holding a piece of paper and she explans her story and she looks nothing like the way that girl looks so u r all wrong

DjI hope no one goes off on me for this I've heard of Amanda Todd but how and why did she die??

HellsAngelshe killed herself because she was pressured into flashing her boobs online and the guy took a picture and then blackmailed her and she was bullied and stalked for it. And it wasnt her fault because she hadnt been properly educated about the risks and was pressured into doing it by a guy she thought loved her. RIP

Dori@Morgan😜 if thats not amanda why did you write RIP..

HellsAngelshe killed herself because she was pressured into flashing her boobs online and the guy took a picture and then blackmailed her and she was bullied and stalked for it. And it wasnt her fault because she hadnt been properly educated about the risks and was pressured into doing it by a guy she thought loved her. RIP

Dori@Morgan😜 if thats not amanda why did you write RIP..

Kristina that is and I wrote that cuz my friend cuts herself cuz of bully's just like some of y'all's comments r so rude y'all have no respect

Kristina who ever is rich you deserve to be in her place you just piss me off

Alex medina jrKnew her and now im crying

bettyR.I.P Amanda ❤️❤️

👊Duchessjohanna👊Omfg people it was her own fault! Can we take pity on kids that die of cancer before we take pity on her? God!

👊Duchessjohanna👊Like she did it to herself.

Lexi :) R.I.P Amanda Todd! <3

👊Duchessjohanna👊Jesus Christ please people kill themselves everyday! How is she special? It's sad and all but come on. Those other kids never got any attention.

Lexi :) @👊Duchessjohanna👊 u have a point but most of those people who killed themselves didn't ask for help or didn't let anyone in she was willing to share her story to the world and touched millions if people by it and she wanted them to be aware of how far the bullying was going and she admitted to her mistakes which took a lot of courage but no matter how hard she tried to call out for help the bullying kept going and she couldn't handle it, so eventually she killed herself, no one deserves to die, she was just a teenage girl and if u think about it she probably stopped a lot of bullying after her video and that's why people found her so inspiring

Lexi :) and that's why she got all this attention because of her bravery, courage and strength

👊Duchessjohanna👊@Lexi :) so did thousands of other people on YouTube with the notecards. But they didn't get the glorification Amanda Todds did. And she did it to herself! Like it's sad and I'm not denying it. I just find it sad that our society focuses on this bit we forget about people who actually DESERVE our pity and love.

Lexi :) @👊Duchessjohanna👊 so your saying she didn't deserve pity and love? I'm not disagreeing with what your saying but Amanda probably saved lots of people's lives because of her video. She made people care not just for her but for all the people who get bullied

Lexi :) She's not the only one out there there's so many more people out there who get bullied but now people are taking bullying way more seriously because of get

Lexi :) *her

Lexi :) @👊Duchessjohanna👊 sorry I didn't see your comment about the cancer thing I thought u were just talking about other people who get bullied

👊Duchessjohanna👊@Lexi :) ok but people, even before Amanda Todd knew about bullying and how serious it was. It was never a new concept. Christ kids have been picking on each other for years. My point here is that we shouldn't glorify one person when thousands of others endured the same thing and get nothing in return. Plus, like I said, why aren't we focusing on those who Can't help their situations. Amanda kinda put herself into her own predicament. And like I said, I'm not discounting the fact that it's sad, because it is. I'm only saying I disagree on this topic,

Lexi :) @Shelby u have nothing to say, I remember u commented on a question saying u enjoy bullying people because u like watching them get hurt so u deserve no respect

Daniel @Lexi :) that's salty

👊Duchessjohanna👊@Shelby no I grew with you actually. She doesn't deserve my respect and she'll never have it. And I don't care if it's mean. I look at all these kids with cancer, who are blind and forever handicapped. They didn't choose those lives! She made her own bed. And now she can sleep in it forever.


Daniel @👊Duchessjohanna👊 more salt

👊Duchessjohanna👊@Daniel lol

Daniel @👊Duchessjohanna👊 but really

👊Duchessjohanna👊@Daniel eh oh well I only say the truth

Lexi :) @👊Duchessjohanna👊 u have good opinions

👊Duchessjohanna👊@Lexi :) thanks I think. I mean I'm not trying to be mean, it's just there are so many people we forget about that deserve our love and sympathy.

Daniel @👊Duchessjohanna👊 the truth will set u free praise jesius

Daniel @👊Duchessjohanna👊 I spelled it wrong on purpose