When a new app ask for Facebook Login, what do you do

7017 votes

Accept when I trust the app
7246 votes

I delete the app and write a bad review
3658 votes

Don't accept
17853 votes


jI don't have Facebook

lauryn johnsonj I don't have a faCebook

jazzyi dont have a facebook!

MatthieuR@jazzy why not?

jazzy@Matthieu R. Cause not aloud !

Georgiai dont have Facebook either!

Natalie 😊I don't have a Facebook lol. I'm only 12!

tracy Only 9 not aloud Facebook

emm@Natalie R same

starstruck@jazzy nor am I

mattysc99what the hell

MayYa I'm 30 and I don't have it it's dangers to me no one shod have it just saying

Ghada Remawi?!?!

MoodyMoonno facebook. want one. cant have it;(

oliviai don't write reviews..lol

flowerpowerI'm nine don't have it

JadeI'm 10

jerseygirl18zzzi don't even have Facebook

Ami Olivia WellsI'm 12 I've got a fb

Tomboy101Don't even have Facebook

joaniebabynot aloud

tigerI am out of word to say

alkediI haven't got Facebook

Courtneyi hate when that happens

emmi don't have Facebook!!!

kwaix Facebook is overrated ! I hate how everyone is so into it .

Edgrthjkiikkdon't have Facebook!

◑ˍ◐☣✪ħίᎯɴ✪☣◑ˍ◐ ╭∩╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭∩╮LOL who wud delete the app n write a bad reivew for that

Courtneyi hate when that happens

emmi don't have Facebook!!!

kwaix Facebook is overrated ! I hate how everyone is so into it .

Edgrthjkiikkdon't have Facebook!

◑ˍ◐☣✪ħίᎯɴ✪☣◑ˍ◐ ╭∩╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭∩╮LOL who wud delete the app n write a bad reivew for that

16xoxoDepends on what app is it

Samuel Majorjust gattering info from you -.-

Georgiahate using Facebook haha!

Ryoops no

AbiI'm not aloud Facebook I'm 11 otherwise I would

vahalla rocks13i dont hav facebook

Cheshire CatI don't have facebook

a.v.i don't have a facebook . i think it's stupid .

Justin no

BELEBER GIRLdon't accept

Dile LutionFacebook is dangerous for private life.

Grégoire DesrousseauxI DONT UNDERSTAND!!!!!! I'M FRENCH

Grégoire DesrousseauxChad up


MiiissGiiiirlzI'm french


Bob@Grégoire Desrousseaux shut up it´s better.

SS49I always accept

Marie❤c'est en anglais je comprend riennnnn

Enjoylife ?? En français please ?? ;)

SS49@marie et @enjoylife mdrr vous avez rien pigé:D c'est si tu te connectes a Facebook quand une nouvelle app te le demandes

Swagg@marie idem

Shirel Farhat LA plus grande directioneuseEt sa veut dire ?

Pommeouai peut être mais euh j aime pas trop Facebook <:I

jadeJe parle pas autre langue que français

Oksks@Natalie R me too

Oksks@jade pareil mais j ai essayer de comprendre et j ai compri quand on demende une nouvelle aplication facebook login que doi je faire et le le rouge c accepter Le vert c jaccepte pas Et les autre comprend pas

NoémieNan mais allo quoi vous po

Noémievous pouvezpas parlez en franvais ?

nagrumeI don't have Facebook too !

•Tidou•~dancing~je suis française et je comprend rien

Maccaaaadon't have it cause it's stupid and it's a waste of time so why would I care just saying
