Do you think the iPhone is the most bought phone in the United States

873 votes

6782 votes


Crusher <3a lot of people I know have iPhones.

Rogue is it?

Joshua Alvarait's not. The Galaxy S3 is. It has sold almost twice as many as the iPhone in the United States. Like the media is calling it "Samsung is the new Apple"

Ellie❤️Gymnastics@Joshua Alvara do u have a galaxy s3?

R5_crazy_RossI have now idea

R5_crazy_Ross@Riley Pickles


JBLUVER😘😘@Joshua Alvara no ass face iphone glalaxy has gleiches

Thatonegirl@Joshua Alvara out of all models of :3

Nickiwho wouldn't

hailey327its the galaxy s 3 is the most

Nickiwho wouldn't

hailey327its the galaxy s 3 is the most

Drama Queen✌absolutely

PaytinPogueNo shit! And no it is not. Check again boo...^^^^^^^

Princess 44yes a lot of my fri


Onedirection lover7104yes

✌️💋❤️Ariana Grande❤️💋✌️Duh

Sarai am holding one now!! Same with my uncle, cousin, friend and other cousin...