What is the source of ethics (or right and wrong)?

There is no source.
416 votes

335 votes

672 votes

269 votes


theFISTWhoever voted god is an idiot

joyful122whoever said that is rude for calling people idiots

HighqualitydirtTheFIST, elaborate



Screamin' Lord ByronI dont think that god is the source of reason. Since god bestowed man with "freewill", it is therefore left in the hands of man to choose between right and wrong. Hence... Reason.

Jewelz💎💙💎 @Screamin' Lord Byron ya but God can help you choose

Jewelz💎💙💎 Btw its God not god

Jewelz💎💙💎 @ryber ik

VannaGod is not real .

Highqualitydirt@Vanna, Consider this, when an atheist dies he believes he will remain dead, but if he is wrong and there is a god, he will spend an eternity in hell, however, a religious person believes there is some kind of after-life awaiting him, but if he is wrong, he will remain dead, the two possibilities are, (atheism) chose to either die or go to hell, or (religion) chose to either die or go to heaven, therefor it is wiser to worship god

AndrewReligious sheep..

margzzgod does not deserve a capital letter. it is not a being. People who voted god are idiots. It is not wiser to worship god, christians do not consider that any other religion is correct. Assuming that for example Mormons are the true religion, christians still end up rotting in the Earth for eternity. christianity has caused so much death, pain and suffering over thousands of years. People do not understand that christianity is wrong because it is more widely acceptable in our society and it is a shame.

VannaI am religious I just don't believe in "god".

Highqualitydirt@margzz, God does deserve a capital letter as it is a proper noun, by that logic all americans, germans, japanese, Chinese, russian, british and icelandic people are "wrong"

Drama Queen✌God makes everything better! <3

Drama Queen✌God makes everything better! <3

Alias@margzz is it wrong to promote love life and to teach kindness. Is it wrong to be chaste or generous? These are some of the things Christianity preaches and as a matter of fact it is becoming less of a majority and attitudes are getting worse as more and more people convert to atheism

AliasI would say the source is history, reason and religion as well as emotion and human nature. They all factor in

AJsuede@margzz so has science and reason. faith is needed for many otherwise the less fortunate would drop like flies. consider that perhaps religon isnt evil but merely misunderstood by many and twisted to suit their prejudices. cynicism is the death of bliss and folly. just because the sun disappears does that mean it will return? of faith, hope, and love the greatest is love. read that in a bible.

IceMan@Highqualitydirt what if I kill myself in hell. And anyway don't religious people believe that god is forgiving?

Belieber and directioner What is this question???

Belieber and directioner oh I get it know god

Highqualitydirt@IceMan, i repent my prior comments, i have since become (pretty much) atheist

grandeautreI knew it was a matter of time before this question generated debates. I really appreciate all of the votes and feedback!

Big BrienIf you ever make it to college, take Sociology 101 and you'll learn the answer. Hint: it isn't any of the choices you offered.