Which one of me is prettier ?

25 votes

20 votes

181 votes

207 votes


Princessemilyis the 3rd 1 called tashor cause I think I've met her before at butlins

India;) no Catie

Cherry RougeWhat's with the duck face try to lose it

I am 11 btw not 9 but i look itthe 4 one looks like their having a baby or sex

Hahahahaugh picture 3. Fugly

Lozzypopis one of the girls called Chloe

India;) No Catie

J1234Your an ugly troll, u look like a witch with your pointed nose

OpalπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž@J1234 don't be so harsh I'm sure if every one did a comment not many would say she's ugly so leave of I think she looks pretty

J1234@opal I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks especially u you ugly fat cake. She's ugly, she looks like a gnome! She's gona grow up to blow cock just like u

Cherry Rougegod some people are so horrible thinking they can get through life talking to people like that... No wonder they have no friends and no profile picture

πŸ˜‰β€its_me@J1234 u call her ugly when u have sponge bob as ur profile picture. Mature!

XxCarmenxX@Cherry Rouge if people don't want fucking negative comments then don't put pictures up its only J1234's opinion so respect it

ShyCoolKid@J1234 why are you always so fucking rude?!? It's not necessary

Cherry Rouge@XxCarmenxX who said I didn't respect it? My comment was my opinion too!