Riddle: what travels the world but stays in the corner??

18 votes

71 votes

21 votes

Not a clue
136 votes


alicexxxa stamp!!!! Just a guess

Teddybear3ooooooh!!!!😜 A stamp👍

Andyyeah thats right

FangirlForever❤️A stamp

LauraStamp all the way

Heza!stamp, it's a cool riddle, just like this: if you eat it you die, but dead mean eat it. It's greater than god and worse than the devil, what is it?

Jubba jibbaStamp

Dia_Me@Heather Quinn it's mind jamming !! Could I have the answer please ?

robotnik52@Heather Quinn nothing?

Mimi2107Listen: wat makes you cry but you want to kill it?



robotnik52@Mimi2107 idk

ȘΘιɖɱϓɴᎯɱεΘɴεϦᎯϓ@Mimi2107 onion?

Brada potato

takiastamp and don't know

Becky@Heather Quinn nothing

🐶🌸🌺Musical Girl🐶🌸🌺a stamp🌈🌠🌌🌁🌋🌅🌄🗻🌃🌇🌆🗽🏯🌉🏰🎠⛺🎡🏭⛲🗼🎢🗾🚢

bb@ jhhh

Thecool1212A stamp

Amelia!?!A stamp, I love that riddle

corbiniana stamp of course

1D!!!!!obviously a stamp

Andyits a stamp yeah

❤💕Jade❤💕A stamp

Billy burnsWhat gets wetter the more it dries

ȘΘιɖɱϓɴᎯɱεΘɴεϦᎯϓ@Billy burns towel?

Amelia!?!@ⓩⓞⓔⓨ◑ˍ◐ correct

ȘΘιɖɱϓɴᎯɱεΘɴεϦᎯϓwoo hooo!


KelseyCoolKat😉😃😘 Stamp
