My sis is so annoying.... Does anyone else have annoying siblings?

Only child:)
10 votes

No. ( your lucky )
28 votes

70 votes


Vlad PlasmiusMy little brothers are awesome. We are like best friends. We used to not get along, but we grew up and matured...sorta

unknownJade!!!! Go look at my comment on your "am I pretty" question...

👉👌 👇, 👌? ✌️👋Now, i would say the same thing, buuuuuuuuuut.....what can i say? She saved my ass tonight!

👉👌 👇, 👌? ✌️👋I seriously had a shit load of makeup work for algebra for only missing 2 days, and after her work, it eez feenished!

Macimy lil bro and lil sis r super annoying!!!! But I still love them, cuz they're the only family I got left. :'(

I love you HiddlestonMy brothers aren't annoying. Be glad you have a sibling though... I have a friend whos sister died last year, and she would do anything to get her back.