Dose anyone have Jai waetford from X factor kik I really want it 😋

Yes (comment) 😍
12 votes

Yes (comment)😍
46 votes

30 votes

17 votes


Joey Tribbiany hello comment

User 457496What is it

User 482573Yes

Joey Tribbiany What is it

User 706525official_Jai_Waetford

User 781738Nice

User 1094406Hey

User 1178828what is jai waetfords kik

User 1306941What's his kik he's so hot

User 254460I need his email does any one have if

User 1894248mmmmm k

NatalieGartshoreI think he is sooooo cute

User 1902062He does not have one I messaged him on his Facebook and asked and he said no 😓😞