Have you seen Breaking Dawn Part II

Hell Yeaaa
2171 votes

Gross.. no
2193 votes


emmeyHaters wow

DerpyTheDerpNo but I wanna

Highqualitydirtit is awful

IHATECHEESE😝i totally want to see it



IHATECHEESE😝i totally want to see it



Jasmineit was crazy but in a good way

Caylacashcookie🍪I wish

bleepi want to

Isabella Henson It was amazing you will want to walk out of the theater but you have to see it I promise just amazing

Makennasuch an AWSOME movie I cried

🎧Emily🎨awesome movie I <3 the series

Muuuulaaaan BEST freaking movie !!! The entire series is anazing but I cried on this movie

💚👗✌Jade✌👗💚that stuff sucks

Yoga pantsamazing pme

Nikki TW 1D I'm watching it now. Me Andy sister are making so much fun of it


marissa10No but I want to

sarbear64haters gonna hate

Rerei love it!!! I'm a HUGE TWIHARD!

hannah6424i didn't like "THE SCENE" but it was good

RebeccaI never watched it but I don't think it is gross. That is soo annoying

Eli It is awesome

Maybellineno but I read the books like about 50 zillion times

1d lover xxxxyh great movie xxx

Lilly ParkerIts aaaaaaaaawesome!!! I cried sooooo hard when Carlisle and Jasper and Irina and Seth and Leah died!!! (Did i forget someone??)

Highqualitydirt@Lilly Parker, its the best of the twilight movies, but thats not saying much

KyleIt's shit

Aubrie DunlapI cried during the end thinking it was real....but it was just one of Alice's future visions!😊

Wolfz rock💀🎧🎤🎸☕🐺💿Sooo good

KyleIt's shit

Aubrie DunlapI cried during the end thinking it was real....but it was just one of Alice's future visions!😊

Wolfz rock💀🎧🎤🎸☕🐺💿Sooo good

NickiWho haven't

ZoëSixx🎵🎶🎧🎵I want to see breaking dawn part 2 soooo bad

clonone, call it bubbles as

HezrienFuck twilight