Had a full on conversation with Peter Andre's brother a couple of days ago he was awesome lol

What were u talking bout I will say in comments
30 votes

115 votes

Omg that's amazing
122 votes

Dunno him
81 votes


Mrs Natasha McCarthywhich brother?6@

Mrs Natasha McCarthyhahahah wasn't meant to write 6@ but my phone slipped lol sox

Mrs Natasha McCarthy*soz

maisy + 1Direction!! X Tots u did

🍷😔🔫Ryan ))))@maisy + 1Direction!! X what does tots mean :)

Nimi@👀Ryan👀 totally u dumb freak

🍷😔🔫Ryan ))))@Mrs Natasha Malik and chris Andre he came to haven in clacton and was singing on the stage in the live lounge for about 2 hours I asked him what brand his guitars were and he said both of them was Taylor's and each Taylor guitars are at least £2000 lol I dunno how much his was lol he's been doing guitar I think he said for 50 years I can't remember but he says he still isn't bored of it and everytime he plays he always enjoys it lol

xXMeenzXx😱 Thts so cool

🍷😔🔫Ryan ))))@xXMeenzXx lol it weren't me it was Ryan xx

🍷😔🔫Ryan ))))@xXMeenzXx I agree though lol

Akisha🌸@👀Ryan👀 COOL


YouAreLOVED<3@ ! Nimi1D ! Shut up !!! And Ryan that's Amazing

Kacey Leigh cool


тɑʟɪɑ@👀Ryan👀 Cool

🍷😔🔫Ryan ))))@Jess squiggy ikr xxxx

🍷😔🔫Ryan ))))@Talia (: ikr xxxx

🍷😔🔫Ryan ))))@Kacey cool yh

Cuz I can ride!!!!🏇I am jealous now lol

Leah how weird I am watching Peter Andre my life right now