Is it wrong to be in love with someone a year and a half younger than you if you're 14?

Comment if other.
7 votes

When your older
29 votes

Love is love, it's fine.
111 votes

EW no.
50 votes


Townzieboy I'm 14 and I love someone who is 12 so it's fine

We are all EmbersOkay thank you :)

Townzieboy @We are all Embers your welcome

HWait until you're older because: 1. That person is too young And 2. You're too young. You like him, not love.

Maisybub@Townzieboy ..... Ok

Mrs Natasha McCarthy@Helin I agree

graciegirlxxthat's fine because my mum and dad r 3 yrs apart but wait until u know u r mature enough not to let him hurt u

We are all Embers We've been best friends for eight years trust me its love

Hey, it's just me 🙈@We are all Embers so tell me what is love ?