Who is the best boyfriend for Hermione Granger

294 votes

417 votes

151 votes


Kelly Lloyd I'd prefer Neville

Angelina @Kelly Lloyd me too! I thought about that...

Acacia Clarck@Angelina I'm okay mais je rajoute Drago ;)

BIGGEST HP FAN EVER!!!!!❤️⚡️💚👑😃😍😘Ron!!💏👪❤️

Amanda Hermione Weasley ❤️

Prettysha❤️🐓[blocked user]I find ron hotter than harry


BIGGEST HP FAN EVER!!!!!❤️⚡️💚👑😃😍😘No Harry is way cuter!


Sophia Maggy 1I love Ron his cute red hair and his attitude I luv him

jeanetteDraco duh!!

ARowling has come out saying she thinks Ron was wrong for Hermione. I actually agree. I think she can be content with him, but not truly happy. he's not an intellectual match, nor is he ambitious or principled enough...

AI think Hermione would have been better off with Harry, or someone we didn't yet know. A young, straight Dumbledore would have been perfect for her.

TomFeltontotally harry

.Drago!!!!!! Always dramione!!! Harry is her brother and Ron...is Ron...

Alexandra LagutovaDraco! Dramione love'

Animeluva22I am a PROUD Dramione shipper.

kiaI think ron

harryhar\ry should end up with hermonie and you can clearly see hermonie has crush on harry

Harry Potter Course it’s me