Is big time rush awesome or what

67 votes

Or what
182 votes

Who r they
79 votes

Totes rusher forever
81 votes


Tumblr_girly I hate them

#😊~bedaboo~{☺}@Tumblr_girly I used to like them

❤sami❤cappy❤they suck im a directioner

artfreak27🎨They suck I'm a my chemical romance girl

❤sami❤cappy❤SUKS im a directioner

hello my homies :p@sami12345678910 Me too!! :)

Awesome_V_4Ever@Tumblr_girly I hate them also. I've never liked them.

🍀Lind$ey🍀@😝{#bedaboo%}😜 me too

hello my homies :pAt least they are cute!!!

DanceLoverI love btr!!

Colette@Dancelovegirl I totally agree

Dancegirl18@Colette I agree with you too!!!!!! Same with @Dancelovegirl

MeowsThey Suck.

creator of randomness@artfreak27 my. Chemical. Romance. Is. A. Fucking. Mazing.

NYLA:);)They suck ass and they have never been in

kirstay #HCQthere so gay!!

kelsey Shae scrogginsI agree