I'm gonna miss summer!!

Me too!!
101 votes

I hate summer
20 votes


I love you Hiddlestoni dont like summer

Brittney @your best friend How can you not like summer!

I love you Hiddleston@Brittney because theres no school, no tests, no MATH! Whats fun about that?

Brittney @your best friend Are u being serious??

I love you Hiddleston@Brittney Yes... ?

Brittney you like school??

I love you Hiddleston@Brittney Of course!!! 😍😃

Brittney @your best friend Well I'm home schooled cuz of dance gymnastic and cheer comp. so I can't really say that I don't like it but......

I love you Hiddleston@Brittney I mean, like... Well, math is my favorite thing in the world! And I absolutely LOVE learning! I'm never bullied, people are nice, I love my classes... Whats not to like about it?

Brittney @your best friend I don't know never been sounds ok. but I'm good with home schooling

I love you Hiddleston@Brittney Okay. But no, I will definitely not miss summer ^.^ I'm really glad to have school. Even homeschooling would be great... You still do math, of course 😄👍

Brittney @your best friend Yes but I hate it!!!!

I love you Hiddleston@Brittney why?

Brittney @your best friend It's just so boring