Which is the better phone.?

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426 votes


Crazy chic 123iPhone 5 C!!!! What what!!!

Deleted@Crazy chic 123 iPhone suck

KrisiPhones do suck that's why haven't you noticed they haven't made any actual changes to the phone.. Look at the difference between the 4G and 5G it's the same crap phone but the screen is a lil bigger

Deleted@Kris right good to know that im Not the only one who trink's so

Raul@Kris you are stupid kid the iphone 5s is much faster than the 4s and inside of it they are very diferent


Kris@João Ya I'm stupid kid who sells phones for a living what could I possibly know

RaulOk don t be agressive LOL

Deleted@João shes Not a stupid kid shes normal Not like you iPhone fraks

Kris@Nik Nik :-) I am a he not a she thank you

🌸 Sindi 🌸😁