I could go with a story right now

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86 votes


Pi=3.1415926535897 cookie monster omm nom nom pasta party, cous cous party, ice cream yum party troll face forever alone minecraftia diggy diggy hole griefer dwarf clone army CAMEL light switch lamp shape the cleaner pigs fly treeborg the 194th?simples!!aOnce upon a time in a land far away there was the worlds first polar bear. So...

😘 Juicy Lucie 😘He was very lonely ...

Amelia!?!but then.....

ErinπŸ’•he died and since he was the only polar bear there were no other polar bears left until...

IT IS GOAT !!!!!!He was brought back to life by a crocodile called Snappy.

Amelia!?!then snappy and the polar bear went on a date

IT IS GOAT !!!!!!And it went well ;)

Amelia!?!so snappy invited him to meet her parents

AdeleBut her parents didn't like the polar bear so they ate him

IT IS GOAT !!!!!!So snappy killed his parents.

Amelia!?!But then snappy got lonely and tried to eat himself

IT IS GOAT !!!!!!It didn't work out too well. All he managed to eat was his tail.

Amelia!?!he said he tasted nice and started eating other crocodiles

πŸ˜€SmileπŸ˜€Then the crocodiles ate them selves .....

LittleMissMerrygoldπŸ’™πŸ’™And started too

Adelebecome extinct..

Emmaaa.❀️so then there was no crocodiles left ....

Pi=3.1415926535897 cookie monster omm nom nom pasta party, cous cous party, ice cream yum party troll face forever alone minecraftia diggy diggy hole griefer dwarf clone army CAMEL light switch lamp shape the cleaner pigs fly treeborg the 194th?simples!!aTo eat animals anymore. So rabid squirrels invalided the earth keeping humans as slaves. So...

Katrina<3we fought back and made the rabbits weal and they could not talk. That is how we have rabbits. The end

Motty Jaredthen the polar beat was pooped out of the dead parents and the polar bear and the crocodile had sex and broke the condom and created a croc bear by mistake

who are ya ?!but then the baby's started to have sex and they wasn't using a condom so they multiplied and took over the world and started to .....

Motty JaredRape humans !!!!!

Amelia!?!so then there was human croc bears

Motty JaredAll the people who commented r the only real humans left on earth

Motty JaredThe humans needed to start the human race again to build an army to beat the croc bears

Motty JaredBut there were lots of girls and a few boys so how could they start the human race. Lol

graciegirlxxand was immediately poached by hunters...

Motty JaredThe girls had a decision to make

Motty JaredAnd everyone was wondering ' how to make more humans'???

Motty Jaredbut one strong croc bear killed all the poachers in the world so the people who commented had to make new humans

Motty JaredBut how??

Motty JaredMaybe " one of the survivors said" we could all do sexual intercourse

Motty JaredNo that won't work said Motty Jared

Motty JaredYes it will said Amelia smith....

Amelia!?!LOL hahaha, this just keeps getting weirder, whats next?.......,

Motty JaredMr bombastic jumps in and said " lets make new humans"

Amelia!?!then everyone who commented said YEAAH

Motty JaredExept me I'm a boy

Amelia!?!Yeah except u, u said?....

Motty JaredI walked away slowly but one girl followed me

Motty JaredWho was it???

Amelia!?!idk? Who was it?

Motty Jared@AmeliaSmith!!! Yh but who followed me to make new humans???

Motty Jared@AmeliaSmith!!! U tell me which girl followed Motty Jared

Amelia!?!@bLoNDiE GirL πŸ™ŠπŸ‘„πŸ˜ΈπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜‹πŸ˜†πŸ˜˜ it was u!

Motty JaredNooooooooooooo Motty Jared screamed

Motty Jaredbut too late

Amelia!?!πŸ˜† She grabbed him

Motty JaredShe pounced like a cat

Motty JaredLol

Amelia!?!Haha and we all know what happens next! πŸ˜†

Motty JaredMotty Jared screamed as his trousers were unbottoned

Motty JaredBlondie girl was happy

Motty Jared Motty Jared was sad

Amelia!?!she made an evil laugh

Amelia!?!because she was happy

Motty JaredBut then Motty Jared got up and ran

Motty JaredHe stopped when he saw all the girls on mr bombastic

Amelia!?!but he forgot his trousers

Amelia!?!and mr bombastic enjoyed it

Motty JaredAll the girls looked up at Motty Jared and got off of mr bombastic and started chasing Motty Jared

Motty JaredMotty Jared was to scared to move

Motty JaredHe was stand there with no trousers

Amelia!?!except for me I was hiding from all the creepy horny weirdos out there

Amelia!?!everyone started to take photos of Motty jared

Motty JaredBut that was a lie Amelia was with mr bombastic all the time

Motty JaredAnd then it began

Amelia!?!then Amelia said, oh no they found out!

Motty JaredThen Motty Jared was standing there with no trousers infront of Amelia and Amelia said

Amelia!?!i think you forgot something, and chucked your trousers at your head

Motty JaredMotty Jared said thx and said to Amelia " why r u naked"??

Amelia!?!Amelia said "because of mr bombastic"

Amelia!?!soz I gotta go

Motty JaredThen Motty Jared said oh ok and the muttered under his breath "nice"

Motty JaredBye

Pi=3.1415926535897 cookie monster omm nom nom pasta party, cous cous party, ice cream yum party troll face forever alone minecraftia diggy diggy hole griefer dwarf clone army CAMEL light switch lamp shape the cleaner pigs fly treeborg the 194th?simples!!aWhat is going on here

Motty JaredDon't worry

loganOk I asked for a story not a sexual inter coarse story