Do you like the Olsen sisters and so you know that they are smoking drugs that's why they look so old for their age

Omg dont talk to me about them I hate them
17 votes

No I'm not interested in them
50 votes

They are ok but I knew they were taken drugs
25 votes

Yes I love them but I didn't know they were taking drugs
53 votes


Hey, it's just me 🙈OMG there taking drugs... :'( I wondered why the looked older :(

Tyler@vampiregirl innih

who are ya ?!I watched there trio but they looked really young in it xx upset that they do that xx !! :'(

Fluffy bunny 152that's not them in the picture Mary-Kate has a freckle under her nose and none of them have it

stosherpantsThey don't do drugs

Chloe They do they are young

Fluffy bunny 152Why don't u tell the truth they look older because there r 65 haven't you've seen full house that was made in 1934 that's why they look old and they don't use lotion

Chloe wow well I saw them smoking weed