Would you be disappointed if a women did not wear heels on a first date?

Men over 18 - yes
17 votes

Men under 18 - yes
42 votes

Men - no
104 votes

I'm a girl sneaking in
119 votes


Matthewi would rather they didn't

Steve @Matthew weird

whoasksquestionsonthisthing@Steve, why's he weird for voicing his own opinion which is the concept behind this whole app and the reason you ask questions? If anyone is weird it's you for dismissing the individual views of a fellow human being.

#HCQ sweetcattiem👑@whoasksquestionsonthisthing I'm a girl in this crowd... But YES omg I agree

#HCQ sweetcattiem👑However I think Steves opinion is more stupid, as a girl should be able to wear what they want!

U mad bro?I would rather They didn't

Sarka123lol the most votes Is for a girl sneakin in