Which YouTubers Do You Ship The Most?

Carimon (nerimon & ItsWayPastMyBedtime)
6 votes

Phan (AmazingPhil & danisnotonfire)
21 votes

Shoey (JoeyGraceffa & ShaneDawson)
34 votes

Troyler (TylerOakley & troyesivan18)
18 votes


Call_me_isabelleI want to say DAN and phil but that's a little gay, plus, Alex Day and Carrie are so hot together!!!

LovingJessy23Such a shame that I have met Carrie and her boyfriend who isn't Alex

Alicenone cause I have no idea who they are

newlondonfire @IZZY "a little gay" it's hilarious because their fanbase spent most of last night making friends with a gay porn site well phil's bi and everyone is confused about dan's sexuality but they both had something going on in like 2009 if only Phan was real now i just want them to get married damn

newlondonfire @Alice wow that must suck who do you watch on youtube then?


MaeTroyler, Shoey, zalfie, janya(jim and Tanya), and I think that's it lol xxx

alicexxx#MYLER #ZALFIE #ZYLER omg lol

Caroline Shoey 4 life😎