I'm gonna give my bf a lapdance tomorrow which outfit should I wear

White one
221 votes

Black one
352 votes


Karatesinger113y r u giving ur bf a lapdance?

Kennythe white one


Robso sad

LarterCongThat are 2 different pepole

💋Monstercat101💋@LarterCong she's talking about the outfits

{~L❤VE~}I love lesbian

{~L❤VE~}And gays

Maci@Karatesinger113. U took the words right out of my mouth.

Ruan Definitely the black one...u know cuz it's not much an outfit!!

ZacI want to know what happend plz tell me

💜🐦🐸owlie33💜🐦🐸I like both