My dogs, the white 1 ran away yesterday

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167 votes


тɑʟɪɑCocker Spaniels! Aren't they? Mines a croos between a cocker spaniel and a poodle

Katrina<3aww I'm so srry

DeadI have a chocolate lab too :'c

Katrina<3hope u find him

I ❤ Niall Horan 😀🆔thanks 😢

JocelynAww thats sad my two border terriers run away sometimes but our garden is huge so they are always in there but we have a field of sheep next door so we need to be careful i really hope u get your dogs

I ❤ Niall Horan 😀🆔@jocelyn thank u we are still looking but were starting to give up,😰😓😭

Jocelynaw no no keep trying 😰i am so sorry

Jocelynmy dog last year got ran over and it was 5 days before my bday so sorry

I ❤ Niall Horan 😀🆔what so on the 15 th ??

Jocelynyes it was really sad he was only 2

JocelynDont give up hope

I ❤ Niall Horan 😀🆔that's the dogs bday that has run away :(

lollardaaww don't give up I will look out even though I probs love miles away all the best x

I ❤ Niall Horan 😀🆔@lollard thank u soo much x

Jocelynaww i will too

meadowAww feel so sorry for u I hope u get him back he is so cute I actually do feel so sorry for u

I ❤ Niall Horan 😀🆔@meadow thanks 😢

meadowIt's ok hope u find him

Sndnnfmd@ I ❤ Niall Horan 😀🆔 Did you find her 😔


I ❤ Niall Horan 😀🆔@Paula <3 no 😢

Jocelynaww just keep trying i am sure you can

Sndnnfmd@ I ❤ Niall Horan 😀🆔 I am so sorry 😔😔😔😔😔😔

Jocelynput posters out

Jocelynask your friends to look too

Jocelyngtg bye good luck finding him

I ❤ Niall Horan 😀🆔same and thanks so much every 1 xx

Hope_Spencer_Buckelhav u found him???

I ❤ Niall Horan 😀🆔@Dekka_is_my_dream yes !

I love 1Directionhave u found it

KelseyCoolKat😉😃😘I'm so sorry😢